Helping the Community

(1 customer review)

At Flathead Father N’ Son, we believe in giving back and paying it forward. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to wholeheartedly support our customers. How do we do that? We make sure that our neighbors have warm homes in winter. By helping the community, we contribute to a better world for everyone.

I teach my son that volunteering in the community is vital. We do our bit to make the place we are living in even more welcoming, green, and comfortable. Additionally, we provide FREE FIREWOOD each month to a person or family in need. Many individuals who rely on firewood to heat their homes during the winter months struggle to afford it. By giving free firewood, we try to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged fellow citizens. We believe that everyone deserved a warm and safe house, and we are happy to help make it happen.

If you or someone you know has been affected financially, and cannot afford firewood this month, send us an e-mail at Please explain who you are and the person/family you feel deserves free firewood and why. We choose at least one recipient each month to deliver free high-quality firewood as part of our dedication to our community.

Let’s Help The Community Together!

Want to join the movement? You can now Pay it forward, too! You can either donate to a recipient picked at random each month or give towards a specific person/family of your choosing. What better gift can you give than the gift of warmth? Be the one who stands behind a heartwarming act of kindness.

Tell others about our initiative and let’s make Flathead County the place you’ve always dreamed to live in. We can do it together! There are people who need our assistance, and it is in our power to help make their lives a little bit better.

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1 review for Helping the Community

  1. Helping the Community Flathead Father N’ Son

    Kelly Hegg

    I would like to say this is incredible vision and I just stumbled upon you on Facebook and I’m really excited to see the information on your website. I’m glad it’s in surrounding areas. I’d love to see it come to HOT SPRINGS. From what I read what an incredible thing you guys do the community part of it is is pretty cool and the firewood information. I’d like to see a little bit more about what you recycle, How it works and where it goes after you pick it up. Your business is a big part of our world eco-friendly, green and sustainable. This reminds me of when I was younger how important it was for recycling and then people just kind of lost interest. I think it’s really important to be really revisited and your business is a major part of that. I hope to see more expansion. Thank you.

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